Monday, February 21, 2011

2011 so far...

It's been quite a while since I showed our blog any attention. So far 2011 hasn't given us much to blog about. Anthony and I have been extremely busy with our jobs and other than that life has been a little boring. We did manage to sneak away for Anthony's birthday celebration. We went to Orlando for a weekend and enjoyed Universal Studios, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, and Howl at the Moon. Mostly we just enjoyed having time to relax without papers to grade (for Alisha) or questions to answer at the gym (for Anthony.)

Valentine's Day was nice this year. Anthony surprised me with a gift certificate for a massage! I surprised him with a gift card for World of Warcraft play time. The one thing I didn't receive this year was candy, at my request. I've been on Weight Watchers now for almost 8 weeks and I've lost 14.2 pounds. It's definitely been a positive experience so far. I am in love with the fact that this is a life choice, a healthy decision I'm making to alter the way I view food. I know a lot of people who use diet pills to take off weight. It works of course, but once the pills are gone the weight comes back. I'm not interested in gaining this weight back, that's why I'm making this choice to change my eating habits. Overall, it's given me a huge amount of respect for what my mom has accomplished with WW! I'm so proud of her, not just for loosing weight, but for keeping it off all this time. I am now learning that it certainly wasn't easy! I'm looking forward to getting the rest of my excess weight off! Especially the next 5.8 because when I reach 20lbs I'm rewarding myself with something I've wanted for a long time....a Kindle 3g!!!

Check back for my progress. I'll try a little harder to keep this blog up to date in the coming months!